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Summer International Music Camps

34th edition  26.07.21 - 08.08.21

Paolo LaGanga

Guitar (Jazz, Rock, Pop); Impro for Guitarists

Versatile guitarist, he deepened the study of acoustic and electric guitar between Bologna, Milan (CPM) and Los Angeles (Musician Institute), collaborating with some of the best national and international musicians including Luca Colombo, Giacomo Castellano, Scott Henderson.
Graduated in jazz guitar at the G.Frescobaldi conservatory in Ferrara, for some years he has dedicated himself to deepening the various musical styles, from post rock to jazz, from pop to Blues, actively working in different contexts, live, in the studio, theatrical tours and as a teacher. He collaborates and has collaborated with various artists in Italy and abroad, as an electric and acoustic guitarist, among which Anna Oxa, Alan Sorrenti, Povia, Marcella Bella, Luca Dirisio, Barbara Cola, Jenni Alpert (USA), Sacha stand out Saket (USA), Tonino Carotone (Spain), Sergent Garcia (France).

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